Saturday, November 3, 2007

18 Questions to Ask Your Religious Officiant

When you meet with a potential officiant, you'll discuss your wedding plans, find out if the officiant is open to your ideas, ask about any requirements, and decide if the three of you want to work together. Here's an overview of questions to ask your intended officiant.

Before the Meeting

1. Is the officiant available on your date?
2. What documents should you bring to the first meeting?
3. Is the officiant open to personalized vows, readings, poems, or music?
4. Will the officiant give a sermon or speech?
5. What kind of pre-wedding counseling is required, if any?
6. What is the ceremony fee? Is the fee a donation?

When You Meet

7. Can you tour the sanctuary or ceremony room?

(Check seating capacity, number of aisles, general layout, and wheelchair accessibility, if that's a concern.)

8. What does the site provide and what would you provide yourselves (pew ribbons, aisle runner, flowers, candles)?
9. Are there any restrictions on the type of music you can play or on the readings?
10. Will the officiant offer input on your vows and proposed readings?
11. Will you have input on the sermon and/or hear it in advance?
12. Is there a dress code?
13. Can the officiant help you deal with family conflicts connected

to the ceremony?
14. Should you bring your marriage license to the ceremony, or will you sign it before the wedding?
15. Can you have a videographer and photographer in the sanctuary/ceremony room? Is flash photography allowed?

16. Are there any restrictions on tossing items (rice, petals, bird seed)?
17. When should the rehearsal be held?

18. When the officiant (and his/her spouse) like to come to the reception and rehearsal dinner? Would (s)he play a role there (such as giving a blessing)?